This course is available to students aged between 12 and 17 and focuses on developing students’ artistic skills through art, dance, drama, or music. The course culminates in a spectacular end of week exhibition and performance to allow students to demonstrate their talents and artistic flair.

Course format

This course runs in conjunction with Citizens and Academics of the future. Students from both programmes share the same Core English and Learning & Innovation lessons, BSS Experience and all recreational activities and cultural excursions.


The course takes place at Oundle School, a prestigious senior boarding school situated in the charming market town of Oundle in the heart of Northamptonshire in central England.

English Levels

The course welcomes students all English levels from A1 Beginner to C1 Advanced.


There are 20 hours per week with 3 types of lessons: Core English, Learning & Innovation and Focus Arts. The objectives of the lessons are to improve students’ receptive and productive language skills, refine their artistic talents and develop their ability to communicate and operate in the 21st century. Students develop knowledge and interests in a range of arts-based topics and subjects.

Mission: Integration!

This takes place on Sunday evenings and consists of icebreaker and get-to-know-you activities to help new students integrate into school life and meet continuing students.


On Monday evenings, students take part in a series of house-based games and activities to help them build new and consolidate existing friendships with other students from the same house.

Artists Specialisms

Students choose one arts specialism per week for the opportunity to practise and refine their artistic skills and talents in Art, Dance, Drama, or Music.

Sports & Leisure

Students take part in our Leisure programme where they can choose between a selection of different sports and leisure activities.

Pro Options

The Pro Options programme is optional and allows students to specialise in one sport or other recreational activity for the whole week and is designed to increase their skills, techniques, and knowledge in their chosen option.

BSS Experience featuring True Me

This is our evening entertainment programme that consists of a series of fun challenges and events designed to develop students personal and social skills, self-confidence, and authenticity.

Cultural Programme

Saturday and Sunday excursions allow students’ to visit places of cultural or historical interest or take part in a recreational activity with their friends.

COURSE overview

  • Centre: Oundle

  • 12-17 years

  • 20 hours of lessons per week

  • English Levels: from A1 to C1

  • Core English

  • Learning & Innovation

  • Focus Arts

  • Arts Specialisms

  • Evening Entertainment

  • True Me


Residential courses are Sunday to Saturday. Recommended minimum stay is 2 weeks.

  • 6-12 July

  • 13-19 July

  • 20-26 July

Residential course: £1,750 per week. Fee includes:

  • Accommodation

  • BSS Experience featuring True Me

  • Excursion Programme

  • Lessons

  • Meals (full board)

  • Sports & Leisure Programme

  • Transfers (standard days from selected airports / train stations)

  • Travel insurance


The course focuses on developing students’ artistic skills through art, dance, drama, or music.



Core English

English language lessons are designed to improve students’ receptive and productive skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening), extend the scope and range of their vocabulary in both formal and informal contexts and deepen their understanding of grammar to improve spoken and written accuracy.

Learning and Innovation

These task-based lessons enable students to work collaboratively to research, discuss and create projects that reflect their knowledge, skills, and personality while developing strategies that are essential for success in the 21st century. The projects have been selected to help develop the students’ capabilities in each of the 4Cs that form the core of the 21st Century Learning curriculum: Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking.

Focus arts

Students choose one Focus Arts specialism per week for the opportunity to practise and refine their artistic skills and talents.

The specialisms available are:

Students choose one specialism per week.


Artistic Specialisms



The Art specialism is delivered by experienced and passionate artists and includes 7½ hours of technical training and practice per week.

Technical training forms the core part of the Art Specialism and takes place in a purpose-built classroom on campus. Students work on specific areas of focus, experimenting with a variety of mediums from drawing, painting, modelling, sculpting, perspective and gaining knowledge of using a range of art materials. This specialism is performance-driven and ends in an exhibition allowing students to showcase their work in front of an audience.


  • Learn different styles of art.

  • Develop technical abilities such as drawing, painting, modelling, sculpting, perspective and knowledge of art materials

  • Understand the importance of colour values, colour theory, composition, light and shadows

  • Explore a range of artistic movements such as modern art, pop art, street art, cubism, modernism, surrealism and many more

  • Establish individual performance goals

  • Improve your ability to collaborate with others in group projects.



The Dance specialism is delivered by experienced and passionate dancers and includes 7½ hours of technical training and practice per week.

Technical training forms the core part of the Dance Specialism and takes place in a purpose-built studio
on campus. Sessions involve conditioning, developing a range of different dance styles (contemporary, hip-hop, ballet and jazz), technical dance ability, choreography, and performance practice. This specialism is performance-driven and ends in a spectacular show allowing students to showcase their work in front of an audience.


  • Learn different styles of dance

  • Develop technical abilities such as rhythm, timing, control, posture, balance and flexibility

  • Improve spatial awareness and the ability to collaborate with others in group performance

  • Understand and apply injury prevention techniques

  • Understand the impact of nutrition on performance

  • Establish individual performance goals 

  • Develop technical abilities such as rhythm, timing, control, posture, balance, and flexibility  



The Drama specialism is delivered by experienced and passionate performers and includes 7½ hours of technical training and practice per week.

Technical training forms the core part of the Drama Specialism and takes place in a purpose-built theatre on campus. Students work on specific areas of focus, ranging from physical theatre, acting for stage, understanding and exploring different drama styles (tragedy, comedy, epic theatre, drama, and melodrama), improvisation, script analysis and character development. This specialism is performance-driven and ends in a spectacular show allowing students to showcase their work in front of an audience.


  • Learn different styles of drama

  • Develop technical abilities such as improvisation, character development, physical theatre, script analysis, directing, acting for stage, voice and movement

  • Understand the importance of lighting and sound in the theatrical performance

  • Establish individual performance goals

  • Improve your ability to collaborate with others in group projects



The Music specialism is delivered by experienced and passionate musicians and includes 7½ hours of playing an instrument and performance rehearsal per week.

Technical training forms the core part of the Music Specialism and takes place in a purpose-built music centre on campus. Students work on specific areas of focus, ranging from melody, harmony, tonality, structure, tempo, metre and rhythm. This specialism is performance-driven and ends in a spectacular performance allowing students to showcase their work in front of an audience.


  • Learn different styles of music

  • Develop technical abilities in popular contemporary musical styles such as Pop, Rock, Funk, Soul and Jazz

  • Improve ability to collaborate with others and work together as a band

  • Understand the fundamentals of songwriting and arrangement

  • Understand musical context and musical language

  • Establish individual performance goals

  • Express individuality and develop creativity


Explore our courses
