Student wellbeing
At British Summer School, we place huge importance on the level of care we provide to all our students while they are away from home. We also understand that different age groups require and benefit from different levels of care and support.
All students receive a safety induction, relevant to their age, on the first or second day after arrival.
Most staff are residential and sleep in the same boarding houses as the students.
Every student has a House Parent, who is responsible for their wellbeing not only in the house but at all times during their stay.
The Welfare Manager is overall responsible for students’ safety and wellbeing.
Students are supervised in all lessons and sports and organised leisure activities. Different supervision rules apply according to students’ ages and different rules apply on different courses. On campus, students are not supervised at all times, for example during breaks and free time. Off site, some students have free time away from British Summer School staff. See Student Handbook for more details.
Staffing ratios
British Summer School offers a generous staff to student ratio to ensure the safety and happiness of all students. Our overall general ratio (staff/students) at each centre is at least 1:5.
Each centre has staff who are authorised to administer basic and prescription medication to students, under the guidance of the Welfare Manager or Nurse.
first aid
Each centre also has a number of First Aiders who are trained to deal with accidents and medical emergencies in the first instance. Each centre is within easy reach of a hospital.
Parents can contact a member of the centre Management Team at any time. We have a 24-hour centre phone to facilitate this.
“Different supervision rules apply according to students’ ages and different rules apply on different courses.”